Luis Espinha da Silveira is Associated Professor at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is also a researcher at the Instituto de História Contemporânea where he coordinates a research group on Territories and Societies. His research interests include Historical Geographic Information Systems and what has been called Spatial History. In this particular field he has published, among others, Território e Poder: nas Origens do Estado Contemporâneo (Cascais, 1997); “Population and Railways in Portugal (1801-1930)”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, MIT Press, vol. 42, 1, 2011, pp. 29-52, co-authored by Daniel Alves, Nuno Miguel Lima, Ana Alcântara and Josep Puig and “Caminhos-de-ferro, população e desigualdades territoriais em Portugal, 1801-1930”, Ler História, nº 61, 2011. Co-authored by Daniel Alves, Nuno Miguel Lima, Ana Alcântara and Josep Puig-Farré.

Cristina Joanaz de Melo is an environmental historian. She is PhD in Environmental History, History and Civilizations Department of the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). She has studied the model for public environmental management in Portugal through the analysis of water and forest policies in the 19th century, in asymmetric comparative perspective with the Spanish, Italian and French cases. She has recently followed a Post-doctoral program in environmental political decision making in the 19th century in Portugal and England, at Sheffield Hallam University. She is performing research in cultural, political, administrative and social historical aspects of landscapes and natural resources uses. She has researched and written on the Portuguese, English and Southern European countries hunting history in the Modern Age as well as about environmental policies in Portugal, Southern European countries and Circum Alpine region in the 19th century.
Ana Isabel Queiroz is scientific researcher at the IELT (Institute for Studies in Traditional Literature) of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is PhD in Landscape Architecture, with a thesis on the potential of literature to value, protect and restore cultural landscapes. Her research focuses on the study of literary landscapes and ecocriticism. Recently, she published “Stone Metaphors about a Village: a “Stone Vessel” or “The Most Portuguese” (Ecozona 2(1) 2011, with João Carrilho), “Biological Invasions and Literature: looking at the Argentine Ant” (Conference Proceedings of “Insects and Texts: spinning webs of wonder”, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 2011) and “Lupilar para a sustentabilidade” (Colóquio Letras 2012). She co-coordinated the book Falas da Terra no século XXI, What do we see green? (Esfera do Caos 2011) where she also published two chapters.

Ana Alcântara is a researcher at the Instituto de História
Contemporânea of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has a degree in History and Archeology by the FCSH-UNL and is Master
degree in Geographic Information Systems and Science, ISEGI-UNL Her research
focuses on the study of Historical Geographic Information Systems and what has
been called Spatial History. She has published “Population and Railways in
Portugal (1801-1930)”, Journal
of Interdisciplinary History, MIT Press, vol. 42, 1, 2011, pp. 29-52,
co-authored by Luís Espinha da Silveira, Daniel Alves, Nuno Miguel Lima and
Josep Puig, and “Caminhos-de-ferro, população e desigualdades territoriais em
Portugal, 1801-1930”, Ler
História, nº 61, 2011. Co-authored by Luís
Espinha da Silveira, Daniel Alves, Nuno Miguel Lima and Josep Puig-Farré.
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